Alternative Agriculture Seminars
We offer "hands on - how to" back to basics sustainable farming seminars. Topics include basic gardening, beginning animal husbandry for a variety of animals such as cattle, hogs , sheep, goats, rabbits, and quail for food or direct marketing to consumers, establishing native warm season grasses, talks on raising select exotic animals, bee keeping, demonstrating gristmill use for making fresh non gmo products grits, cornmeal and flour. A water powered gristmill is planned for 2023. Seasonally we have crawfish boils, fish fry’s , lamb and pig roasts and wild game feeds. Special event and seminar fees vary depending on meals and topics.
Stay tuned for our upcoming seminar "Bee keeping and Raising Quail".
Our seminars include a light breakfast, hearty lunch, in-depth tutorials, farm tour, loads of fun and new friends for life!